Drupal Webform Alter
Once upon a time, on a dark day, December 21st, 2011 to be exact. There was a desire to modify a Drupal webform. Normally, one could use replacement pattern tokens available in the Webform UI to set default values on a component field. But this was a special day, a day where a Webform field had to be prepopulated with a value that was not available via replacement pattern tokens. So if you need to modify a Webform via hook_form_alter, try something like this:
function my_module_form_alter (&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { // replace #### with your webform node id if ($form_id == "webform_client_form_20111221") { // replace 'full_name' with your webform's field_key value $form['submitted']['full_name']['#default_value'] = "Joey Budafuko"; } }
Today is December 21st, 2011. I hope you enjoyed our trip around the sun. Cheers to another revolution... around the sun!
Inri (not verified)
Mon, 10/15/2012 - 02:17
I tried your code and it
I tried your code and it works. I found that the comments was off, it diyelaspd 2 even though there really wasn't any comments. I found this to be a more suitable for me:
$vars['submitted'] = t(
'Published by !username at @datetime - !comments',
'!username' => $vars['name'],
'@datetime' => $vars['date'],
'!comments' => l(
format_plural($vars['comment_count'], '1 comment', '@count comments'),
array('fragment' => 'comments')