Drupal Add JavaScript Setting Example
This describes how to add a custom setting to the JavaScript Drupal.settings variable using PHP
Drupal 7
drupal_add_js( array( 'lunch_box' => array( 'soda' => 'sweet and bad', 'burrito' => 'delicious and sometimes nutricious', ), ), array('type' =>'setting') );
(function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.my_module = { attach: function (context, settings) { console.log(Drupal.settings.lunch_box.soda); console.log(Drupal.settings.lunch_box.burrito); } }; }(jQuery));
Drupal 6
drupal_add_js() example:
drupal_add_js( array( 'lunch_box' => array( 'soda' => 'sweet and bad', 'burrito' => 'delicious and almost nutricious', ), ), 'setting' );
Now we can access these variables defined by PHP in JavaScript once the page is ready and loaded:
alert(Drupal.settings.lunch_box.soda); alert(Drupal.settings.lunch_box.burrito);
You should always place your custom variables in your own "lunch box", that way you don't pollute the Drupal.settings name space: